One Hunahpu

Source of matter, source of spirit
Spiraling grow in and out
Thirteen phases-numbers, vectors
Twenty hieroglyphic pictures
People growing towards the sun
Grow together and live as ONE
Hunab Ku, Hunahpu
Hab is everything we do
Search the stars for what we are
And find we need not look far
Inside of us , deep down inside
Are kept the secrets of all time
Finding rhythm, speaking rhyme
Renew the ancient paradigm
Movement and measure,
sowing and dawning
Star of evening, star of morning
One Ahau will start the churning
Watch for Venus, begin the learning
Teaching us the way too see
And how to climb the Sacred Tree
Tzolkin, Haab, and Calendar Round
Spherical music, magical sound
Eye at the center, dawn of our face
Edge of the cosmos, hearth of all space
Mysterious day-sign
Bringer of Birth
It comes from the stars
And springs from the EARTH